Tuesday, March 4, 2008

how i keep e3 excited about spanish books

I go to the library by my office and pick up about 15 children's books in Spanish at a time. Every night, I bring home two new books. As I walk in the door, E3 runs up to me and asks, Papa, Do you have a new book for me? (We're working on Papa, Tienes un libro nuevo para mi?)

Only one backbreaking library trip every week or so. Totally worth it.


Erin said...

Excellent idea! We frequent the library often and I LOVE the days when we go to the park first, then stop at the library. I get a quiet house all afternoon (either from boys reading or sleeping). It's great.

Janna said...

Welcome to blogspot!
Or, perhaps I should say bien venidos a blogspot (I obviously do not habla espanol).