Saturday, December 20, 2008

a tie means we both lose

This morning I arrived home from Senegal at about 7:30am. As I made breakfast, our four-year-old E3 said
Papa, after breakfast let's have a pillow fight. It will be a tie: we both lose.
You mean we both win?
No, we'll both lose.


Janna said...

sounds like the beginning of a good conversation between Emmet and Gabey.

Rachel said...

That's hilarious! How are you guys? Love the new posts!
Hey I have a friend moving to DC in April. Any advice for her?

UnSerious Reader said...

Hey Rachel,

If your friend wants to chat, I'm sure Diana has tips. We are doing great. I just took a new job working on Brazil, still based here in DC, so always something new!