Monday, May 26, 2008

visit from abuelo and abuela

Early this month, we had a lovely visit from my parents, who made the trek out to DC. (To our children, Diana's parents are nyanya and babu - the swahili words for grandmother and grandfather - and my parents are abuela and abuelo - the spanish words for the same.) We spent a long weekend at a beach house in Chincoteague, we saw Iron Man, we had a giant lunch with cousins, we saw a documentary about reconciliation in Rwanda, we enjoyed dinner at Diana's mom's house, hit some museums, and much more. It was a wonderful visit.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

photos from schools in sierra leone and the gambia

from the other blog (for the benefit of those who only read the family news):

Over the past few weeks I visited several primary schools in Sierra Leone (Freetown, Port Loko, Mayimba) and the Gambia (Bakau area and Mansa Konko

Sierra Leone photos (or click here for a slideshow)

The Gambia photos (or the slideshow)

Here is a preview: